They do this, for example, by saying that 95% of their guests fax list their towel 2 or 3 times. There is a good chance that you choose not to deposit your towel on the floor after drying it once. Subconsciously the thought pattern goes like this: 'Gosh, that's fax list lot of people, maybe I should do that too so as not to be ostracized from the tribe. So hop, I'll use that towel again.' It's good to realize fax list Cialdini has separated quantity from quality.
Social affirmation is mainly concerned with fax list amount or high percentages of people who exhibit a certain behavior. In the last mechanism, unity, it's about the quality: someone like me agrees, so I do too. You can argue that quality also plays a fax list in the case of the hotel: after all, you feel a connection (unconsciously) with other guests in the hotel. That certainly contributes to the idea that if you don't want to be ostracized from the tribe, you use fax list towel again. How do you apply social affirmation in writing a good headline? You can say plainly: 95% of my customers have already followed my tip about vegetable gardening If you make fax list a claim, it must a) be true in order not to fall into clickbait and b), you must explain why that last % did not follow the tip.
You could therefore also fax list Why all my customers use beer to keep their vegetable garden healthy This claim must also be true. But if you help customers personally, that can of course be the case. If you can't make such a claim, you can fax list apply it more generally, such as: Why 95% of all climate scientists believe the water is coming fax list Consistent Behavior Consistent behavior is the principle that once you say 'yes', you will say 'yes' more often. It doesn't have to be a literal 'yes' answer, it can also be about behaviour.