In this article you will find what a plant-based diet is, what are its benefits and delicious recipes to start the change, your health and figure will thank you.
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A plant-based diet is a type of diet that includes many unprocessed plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruit, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and small amounts of healthy fats. It does not include products of animal origin, such as meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, or eggs.
Whether you're thinking of eating less meat or cutting it off altogether, the benefits are obvious: lower risk of disease and better health and well-being. Less meat specifically reduces the risk of:
• Heart disease.
• Stroke.
• Obesity.
• Arterial hypertension.
• High colesterol.
• Type 2 diabetes.
• Many types of cáncer.
These days, eating primarily vegetables is easier than ever. Start by looking for some delicious, easy-to-make vegetarian recipes. Choose ingredients and flavors that you know your family will like. Try preparing a meatless meal once a week and add more days as you get used to it. Everything indicates that he will get used to it quickly. Your heart health and waistline will get used to it too.
If you want to get delicious plant-based recipes, keep reading by clicking on the following link.
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#veganprotein #plantbasedprotein #plantbaseddiet
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