In this article you will find what are the reasons why we feel back pain and what is the secret to cure this condition.
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Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work, and one of the leading causes of disability in the world.
Luckily, you can take steps to prevent or alleviate most episodes of back pain. If prevention fails, a simple home treatment and proper body mechanics will often heal your back within a few weeks and keep it functional. Surgery is rarely required to treat back pain.
Back pain can range from muscle ache to a very sharp or stabbing pain or burning sensation. Also, the pain can spread down the leg or be worse when you lean forward, turn, lift an object, stand, or walk.
Back pain usually appears without a cause that your doctor can identify with an analysis or imaging study. Some of the disorders frequently related to back pain include the following:
• Muscle or ligament strain. Repeatedly lifting heavy objects or making a sudden wrong move can strain your back muscles and spinal ligaments. If your physical condition is not good, constant strain on your back can cause painful muscle spasms.
• Bulging or ruptured disc. The discs work as shock absorbers between the bones (vertebrae) of the spine. The soft material inside the disc can bulge or break and put pressure on a nerve. However, you can have a bulging or ruptured disc without feeling back pain. Discopathy is often discovered accidentally when, for some other reason, you take an X-ray of your spine.
• Arthritis. Osteoarthritis can affect the lower back. In some cases, arthritis of the spine can reduce the space around the spinal cord, a condition called "spinal stenosis."
• Osteoporosis. The vertebrae in your spine can be exposed to painful fractures if your bones become porous and brittle.
If you want to cure your back pain forever, read the secret for it in the following link.
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